Play 4 Health is a remote rehabilitation platform developed by the Health Area of the Bit Foundation in cooperation with ib-Salut and the Rehabilitation Service of the Hospital Son Llàtzer.
P4H combines therapy and videogames to improve treatment efficiency and patients' quality of life.
P4H is suitable for patients of any age and it can be used for the rehabilitation of different disabilities both in its acute and chronic stages. It can be used at different assistance levels, such as hospitals, health centres or residences and socio-sanitary centres, and, what is more important, it can be used at the homes of the patients implementing any rehabilitation programme.
P4H has the capacity of integrating therapy in the patient’s life.
P4H, a new way to do rehabilitation.
P4H is an example of the sustainable application of ICT to the rehabilitation processes in order to:
With P4H we react to a socio-economical situation characterised by the ageing of the population and subsequent increase in the demand of health services together with the limitation of resources.
We innovate in the rehabilitation process in order to design tools for this purpose.
P4H is based on the professional experience of agents involved in the sector and in their participation in all product development stages: from the design itself to the actual testing.
With the active participation of hospital staff and patients, we have achieved the adaptation of P4H to the requirements and needs of remote rehabilitation services.
From the clinical point of view P4H meets 3 main aspects: